

The specialty of dentistry is an area of dental medicine focused on the restoration of teeth when they present lesions.

Most of the time, these lesions are associated with tooth decay, changes in shape or color, and trauma.

Through advanced techniques, such as the use of dental veneers that can be made of porcelain or composite resin (composite), it is possible to work on the anatomy of the tooth in detail, thus restoring its functional characteristics and a natural appearance and texture.

Should I replace amalgam fillings?

It is recommended to replace amalgam fillings only if they are damaged or affect the appearance of your teeth.

Why can caries be painful?

Cavities can cause intense pain in teeth because of the slow decay process that begins with the appearance of white or brownish spots on the enamel surface, forming a cavity.

As the disease progresses, the bacteria reach the dentin, a weaker tissue than the enamel, quickly dissolving it with the acids produced.

During the early stages, there may be no significant symptoms, but in advanced stages, there may be discomfort, tooth sensitivity, bad breath, and moderate to severe pain in response to hot, cold, or sweet stimuli. When decay reaches the dentin near the dental pulp, the symptoms become increasingly worse.

What are the causes of tooth sensitivity?

Sensitivity in teeth can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • Bruxism;
  • Gum recession
  • Infiltration or poor adaptation of restorations;
  • Caries;
  • among others

How are teeth restored?

There are several types of materials available to restore teeth affected by decay or other types of damage. Currently, the most aesthetic option is composite resin, which is used to restore front and back teeth. On posterior teeth, especially in children, it is still common to use silver amalgam, a metal alloy.

When the lesions are extensive, the teeth can be badly damaged. In these cases, the treatment of choice is an onlay or overlay, which can be made of ceramic or composite resin, depending on the clinical situation. In more severe cases, it may be necessary to use a crown. These treatments are done in the laboratory with high precision and adaptability.

In the past, the most common restorative material was dental amalgam, which is highly stable and durable, but is less aesthetic than composite resins. Today, composite resins are the preferred choice for most dentists.

How should I care for my dental restorations?

The care of your fillings should be the same as the care you take with your natural teeth: brush your teeth 3 times a day, floss daily and have check-ups every 6 months.

However, it is important to keep in mind that resins do not have the same strength as tooth enamel, and the stresses to which restorations are constantly subjected due to the forces of chewing can cause wear, cracks, and fractures.

When a restoration is compromised, repair or complete replacement is always necessary.


My teeth are small and worn down?

Tooth wear is a common problem in today’s society. Life expectancy at birth in Portugal is 80.8 years (SNS 2019) and our teeth were not expecting such a rapid evolution. It is normal that as a result of the frenetic society in which we live and the increase in life expectancy today that teeth suffer a very marked wear and tear over the years.

Biosthetics is a treatment that seeks to restore the lost dental anatomy with a functional concept, which is concerned with achieving the ideal biological form and lasting natural beauty. Biosthetics fits into a purely biological treatment concept.

It emphasizes highly functional healthy mastication, focusing on joint stability, while favoring the natural beauty of the smile (we try to find the tooth shape that suits your aesthetic standard).

Worn or chipped teeth, recurrent headaches, neck, shoulder, or back pain, jaw joint pain, and teeth grinding or clenching can be an indicator of disharmony in the chewing system. In this case, the Bioaesthetic approach can probably help you.

Bioaesthetics diagnoses the cause of tooth wear and other disharmonies of the masticatory system, and does not focus on symptoms alone. A thorough evaluation of the tooth position, the way the teeth fit and work together (occlusion) forms the basis for any diagnosis and treatment.

The goal is to establish perfect harmony between all parts of the masticatory system and restore the teeth to their optimal shape and relationship – resulting in a healthy, highly functional, and beautiful smile.

Fragments and Lenses

Restoring Lost Anatomy with Small Dental Fragments

Currently, lenses are considered the most conservative cosmetic treatment in dental rehabilitation. With lenses it is possible to change the anatomy of your teeth without resorting to tooth wear.

Lenses are the most effective and fastest way to restore lost tooth structure.

Enlargement and magnification

Seeing with different eyes

It is generally agreed that magnification in dentistry improves clinical practice. Magnification can vary depending on the equipment used and allows for more predictable treatments.

Nowadays, microscope magnification allows an upgrade in dental medicine, and is applied in almost all its areas: in the preparation of veneers, lenses, surgery, endodontics and in all conservative treatments.

